Disney Movies Ranked: (Round 8) The "Progressive Age"
Disney Movies Ranked: (8) The "Progressive Age" Hello everybody! I'm back with round 8 of ranking Disney movies. Just a reminder this is part of a series where I critique every single Walt Disney Animation Studios film, and "rank" them on a number of things such as music, character development, etc. If you'd like to visit past rounds, you can do so by clicking the link(s) below: Round 1 "The Golden Age" Round 2 "The Silver Age" Round 3 "The Gilded Age" Round 4 "The Shadow Age" Round 5 "The Forgotten Age" Round 6 "The Neo-Classical Age" Round 7 "The Epic Age" This round covers the final years of the Disney Renaissance (about 1998-2001). During this period of time, Disney was starting to experience some important changes. One of the most important of those changes was the birth of Pixar and Dreamworks--and the competition they brought to Disney. Dreamwork...