Disney Movies Ranked: (Round 9) The "Modernist Age"
Disney Movies Ranked: (Round 9) The "Modernist Age" Hello everybody! I'm back with round 9 of ranking Disney movies. Just a reminder this is part of a series where I critique every single Walt Disney Animation Studios film, and "rank" them on a number of things such as music, character development, etc. If you'd like to visit past rounds, you can do so by clicking the link(s) below: Round 1 "The Golden Age" Round 2 "The Silver Age" Round 3 "The Gilded Age" Round 4 "The Shadow Age" Round 5 "The Forgotten Age" Round 6 "The Neo-Classical Age" Round 7 "The Epic Age" Round 8 "The Progressive Age" This round introduces what is commonly known as the "Post-Renaissance Age" of Disney Animation. Some go to the extreme and call this the "Second Dark Age" of Disney. This era in Disney roughly covers the year 2001 to about 2008 or 2...